Devuthani Ekadashi, an important festival in the Hindu religion, marks the end of Lord Vishnu’s four-month divine slumber, known as Chaturmas. This Ekadashi, observed after the festival of Diwali, holds immense religious and cultural significance. From this day onwards, auspicious activities such as marriages, housewarmings, and other ceremonies commence.
Significance of Devuthani Ekadashi
- Symbol of a New Beginning:
The festival signifies a fresh start as it marks the end of Lord Vishnu’s sleep and the resumption of divine activities. - Victory of Good over Evil:
Devuthani Ekadashi symbolizes the triumph of virtue and the blessings of the gods for humanity. - An Auspicious Day (Abuja Muhurat):
This day is considered highly auspicious, allowing religious and social ceremonies to begin without consulting a specific muhurat. - Marriage of Lord Vishnu and Tulsi:
The festival celebrates the divine marriage of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Tulsi, emphasizing its importance in Hindu rituals and devotion.
Mythology of Devshayani and Devuthani Ekadashi
The Sleeping Period of Lord Vishnu
According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi once expressed her concern about Lord Vishnu’s continuous vigilance, which caused fatigue for herself and the other gods. In response, Lord Vishnu agreed to sleep for four months every year, starting from the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Ashadha, known as Devshayani Ekadashi.
During this period, all auspicious activities are halted. On the day of Devuthani Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu awakens from his divine sleep, marking the resumption of cosmic operations.
Eternal Sleep in Kshirsagar
Lord Vishnu’s slumber is referred to as Alpanidra (light sleep), during which he rests in Kshirsagar. Devotees believe that worshiping him during this period brings prosperity and peace. Lord Vishnu assures that he will reside in the homes of devotees who honor him during his sleep.
Tulsi Vivah: A Divine Union
On Devuthani Ekadashi, the ceremonial marriage of Goddess Tulsi with Lord Vishnu’s Shaligram form is performed. The ritual is conducted with all traditional wedding customs.
- Significance of Tulsi:
Tulsi is considered sacred and integral to Lord Vishnu’s worship. It is believed that those who do not have a daughter can fulfill their kanyadaan duty by marrying Tulsi, which is said to bestow eternal blessings. - Ceremonial Practices:
The marriage takes place under a decorative pavilion and is celebrated with great devotion, especially in Uttar Pradesh, where additional rituals such as Barchaswa Puja are performed.
Cultural and Agricultural Relevance
Devuthani Ekadashi also marks the beginning of agricultural harvests. Farmers abstain from harvesting crops before this day. It is also a time when weather changes prompt people to consume seasonal delicacies such as jaggery and hibiscus-based offerings.
Celebration in 2023
This year, Devuthani Ekadashi was celebrated on Thursday, November 23, 2023. The auspicious Dwadashi Tithi began at 5:09 PM on November 23 and ended at 7:45 PM on November 24, 2023.