The first issue is the recovery of cash worth Rs 351 crore in the Income Tax Department’s raid on the premises of Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu. Congress said that this was India’s biggest economic crime after 1947. The second issue is the alleged collusion of the government with the Adani Group. Congress alleged that Adani Group is being given unfair benefits by the government.
Congress said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should clarify both these issues. Congress has targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi on two issues. The first issue is the recovery of cash worth Rs 351 crore in the Income Tax Department’s raid on the premises of Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu. Congress said that this is India’s biggest economic crime after 1947.
Congress alleged that Dheeraj Sahu’s possession of such a huge amount of cash means that he is involved in illegal money laundering. Congress said that this is proof of the failure of the anti-corruption policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.
The second issue is the alleged collusion of the government with the Adani Group. Congress alleged that Adani Group is being given unfair benefits by the government. Congress said that Adani Group has been given contracts for many important government projects, which have been done without any transparency.
Congress said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should clarify both these issues. Congress said that if Prime Minister Modi does not respond to these issues, it will be proved that he is promoting corruption.
Bharatiya Janata Party has retaliated on these allegations of Congress. BJP said that the Income Tax Department’s action against Dheeraj Sahu is a regular process. The BJP said that the allegations of alleged collusion of the government with the Adani Group are baseless.
Congress hit back at Prime Minister Modi’s attack
New Delhi, December 12, 2023 – Congress has hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he attacked him on the issue of recovery of over Rs 350 crore from premises linked to its MP Dheeraj Prasad Sahu. Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said Prime Minister Modi should explain about the biggest “robbery” since 1947.
Ramesh cited the alleged corruption case related to the Adani Group. He said that Adani Group is being given unfair benefits by the government. Ramesh said that this is proof of the failure of the anti-corruption policies of Prime Minister Modi’s government.
Prime Minister Modi on Tuesday targeted Congress on the issue of recovery of more than Rs 350 crore from premises linked to Sahu. He said who needs the “money heist” narrative in India when you have the Congress party. He said that the dacoities of Congress have been famous for 70 years and are continuing.
Ramesh said that this statement of Prime Minister Modi is a political vendetta. He said that the Modi government is using the Income Tax Department to suppress corruption cases.
heated debate between the two sides
A heated debate has erupted on this issue between Congress and BJP. BJP has termed Congress’s allegations as baseless. BJP said that the Income Tax Department’s action against Dheeraj Sahu is a regular process.
Jairam Ramesh retaliated with his tweet
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had targeted the Congress over the recovery of cash worth more than Rs 350 crore in the Income Tax Department raid at the premises of Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu. He said who needs the “money heist” narrative in India when you have the Congress party. Congress robberies have been famous for 70 years and are still going on.
On this, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said in a tweet that the country wants Prime Minister Modi to tell about the biggest “money heist” after 1947. He said Adani Group siphoned off Rs 17,500 crore from India by increasing the prices of imported coal and power equipment.
Ramesh further said that the Adani Group brought back Rs 20,000 crore to India through offshore shell companies and inflated its stock prices under the watchful eye of SEBI. He said that Adani Group took billions of rupees of loans from banks in its service using the increased stocks.
Ramesh said Adani Group invests money in gifted projects using ED, CBI, and IT. He said that Adani Group rose from the very bottom to become the second richest man in the world.
Ramesh said the public pays for this unprecedented increase through increased electricity bills. He said that Prime Minister Modi is desperate to divert attention from the latest revelations related to Chang Chung-Ling and Adani Group. He said that this would not work.