In a daring daylight robbery, a Gang of five to seven armed individuals looted Rs 16 lakh in just four minutes from the Axis Bank branch located on Circuit House Road in Ara City, Bhojpur district. The robbery, which took place on Wednesday morning, has left the local police bewildered and scrambling for clues.
The Robbery in Detail
The robbery took place around 10 am, when the criminals stormed into the bank, forcibly locking employees in a room. They quickly approached the counter and seized Rs 16 lakh in cash before fleeing. The entire operation was completed in minutes, leaving little time for the bank staff or the authorities to respond.
Police Response
Upon being alerted, the police rushed to the scene, surrounded the area, and made announcements urging the robbers to surrender. However, by the time they arrived, the criminals had already vanished, leaving no trace behind.
Investigation Underway
The police are currently reviewing CCTV footage from the bank in an attempt to identify the perpetrators. Initial reports suggest that the criminals entered the bank pretending to be customers interested in opening accounts. This ruse helped them blend in with the crowd, making it difficult for staff and security to detect their intentions.
Bank employees also revealed that the robbers took two staff members to the bank’s locker area. However, they were unable to open the locker, suggesting that the criminals had a secondary objective which they failed to achieve. Despite this, they managed to make off with a substantial amount of cash from the counter.
Security and Law Enforcement Concerns
The robbery has raised serious concerns about the security measures in place at the bank, as well as the effectiveness of the local law enforcement’s response. The police are under significant pressure to track down the robbers and bring them to justice swiftly.
As investigations continue, authorities are hopeful that the CCTV footage will provide key clues to help identify and apprehend the criminals involved in this high-profile heist.