Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has unveiled a series of improvements around the Kesariya Stupa in Motihari, East Champaran. These enhancements prioritize tourist comfort and accessibility, further enriching this significant Buddhist landmark.
Key Initiatives:
- Improved Accessibility: A newly constructed walking road now facilitates a more comfortable and convenient approach to the stupa.
- Enhanced Comfort: A modern cafeteria provides refreshments and a welcoming space for visitors.
- Future Developments: The foundation stone was laid for additional tourist-centric projects, promising further improvements to the experience.
- Buddhist Significance: The Kesariya Stupa holds immense importance in Buddhism, attracting pilgrims and history enthusiasts alike.
Detailed Information:
- The walking road and cafeteria construction cost 6.90 crore and 19.77 crore respectively, showcasing a significant investment in the site’s infrastructure.
- Chief Minister Kumar personally reviewed the completed projects and envisioned future enhancements.
- He instructed officials to prioritize smooth access and visitor comfort in upcoming development phases.
- Adequate lighting arrangements are planned for the stupa and surrounding areas, ensuring accessibility throughout the day and night.
Historical Significance:
- The Kesariya Stupa, built by Emperor Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BC, is considered one of the largest ancient Buddhist stupas in the world.
- Unearthed in 1958 by the Archaeological Survey of India, the site has yielded historical treasures including Buddha statues, copper objects, and Islamic coins, solidifying its Buddhist heritage.
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar inaugurated road accessibility facilities and cafeteria near Kesariya Stupa. The government spent Rs 6 crore 90 lakh on this. After the inauguration, the CM inspected the newly constructed cafeteria building. Its cost amount is Rs 19.77 crore. Went near Kesariya Stupa and took stock. So that how it can be developed further in future.
CM Nitish said that this is the heritage of Bihar. We have done many things to protect and develop the Kesariya Buddhist Stupa. During this, the Chief Minister circumambulated the Saffron Buddhist Stupa and paid obeisance. He also greeted the Buddhist monks who came to the program.