After BJP’s victory in Chhattisgarh, Vishnudev Sai has taken oath as the Chief Minister. Now the discussion on the formulation of the formulation has become intense. The party statement said the statue will be extended till December 17. A new preparation list has been issued for this.
Governor Vishwabhushan Harichandan is currently in Delhi. In the case of horse trading, an oath against horse trading can be taken from the Governor of Delhi. According to the discussion regarding the dilemma, an attempt has been made to achieve both regional balance and ethnic ratio.
Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai is in charge of Surguja. Cruise Arun Sao is from Bilaspur Commander and Vijay Sharma is from Durg Commander. It is clear from this that attention has also been paid to the coefficients of the Sardars. More than 15 prominent names are in discussion for the post of minister. Only 10 ministers can be made on account of political dividends.
Strong contenders for Prime Ministership
In place of Surguja Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, Renuka Singh, and Sahil Sai are also ahead in the ideology race. In Bilaspur, former ministers Amar Aggarwal, Dharamjit Singh, Dharamlal Kaushik, OP Chaudhary, and Bilaspur Lal Mohle are also considered strong contenders.
In the fort of Durg, the names of MLA from Rajnandgaon, former Chief Minister Raman Singh, Domanlal and Domanlal, and Dr. Das Bailwal are considered strong contenders. Senior leaders of Raipur Bajrang Mohan Aggarwal, Ajay Chandrakar, and Rajesh Munat can also be ministers.
Opportunity for newcomers too
BJP has also talked about giving a chance to new firecrackers in Chhattisgarh. In such a situation, some new bloomers may also get the minister’s post. It is not yet clear when Pixel will be expanded, but an attempt will be made to achieve both regional balance and caste ratio in Pixel.