Congress faced a crushing defeat in the 2023 assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. After this, the party has now started preparing for the Lok Sabha elections. Congress State President Kamal Nath will visit all the districts from the new year.
Congress has decided to start preparing for the Lok Sabha elections from the new year. Under this, State President Kamal Nath will visit all the districts. The party has also sought a report from the district in-charge regarding the activity of the Assembly-wise Booth Level Agent (BLA).
Congress believes that victory in the Lok Sabha elections can be achieved only by creating a strong organization at the booth level. Therefore, the party has emphasized activating the workers at the booth level.
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Congress has made an action plan to prepare for the Lok Sabha elections. Under this, a report has been sought from the district in-charge regarding the activity of the Assembly-wise Booth Level Agent (BLA). If any change has to be made, it will be done next month itself.
In the review meeting held after the assembly elections, Congress revealed that the cooperation of booth-level agents was not received. Whereas, for the first time the party had appointed more than 62 thousand booth-level agents.
The state organization has also decided that the reports of booth, sector, and mandala committees will also be included in the report being prepared regarding assembly election results. Congress has sought a report from the district in charge regarding the activity of Assembly-wise Booth Level Agent (BLA). If any change has to be made, it will be done next month itself.
In fact, in the review meeting held after the assembly elections, it was revealed that the cooperation of booth-level agents was not received. Whereas, for the first time the party had appointed more than 62 thousand booth-level agents. The state organization has also decided that the reports of booth, sector, and mandala committees will also be included in the report being prepared regarding assembly election results.