Ayodhya: On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the home of Meera Manjhi, the 10th crore beneficiary of the Ujjwala Yojana, during his visit to Ayodhya to inaugurate several development projects. Meera and her family warmly welcomed the Prime Minister, and she prepared tea for him, which he praised for its taste.
While enjoying the tea, PM Modi shared a lighthearted moment, saying, “This tea is really very good. I know it well, as I was once a chaiwala myself.”
During the visit, the Prime Minister inquired about Meera’s family and how the Ujjwala scheme had benefited them. Meera explained that the LPG connection she received under the scheme had greatly eased her cooking process. She also mentioned that her family had received other essential services, such as housing, electricity, and clean water, through various government initiatives.
Meera’s family expressed their deep gratitude to the Prime Minister, with her relatives calling him a “godsend” for the numerous benefits they have received.
This heartfelt interaction highlights Prime Minister Modi’s personal connection to the Ujjwala scheme, which aims to provide clean cooking fuel to millions of low-income families across the country. Through this initiative, many families, like Meera’s, are benefiting from the shift to cleaner and safer cooking methods.