New Chief Minister Mohan Yadav’s bold decrees banning open meat sales and loudspeakers have ignited political flames in Madhya Pradesh. Both parties are locked in a heated war of words.
BJP’s Hindutva Pitch: Claiming to uphold Sanatan values, the BJP defends the ban. Former Minister Jaibhan Singh Pawaiya denounces open meat markets as unhygienic and disrespectful to society.
Pawaiya also accuses the Congress of appeasing butchers and neglecting cultural preservation.
Congress Counters with Accusations of Distraction: Undeterred, Congress dismisses the bans as mere distraction tactics to mask governance failures. State VP RP Singh questions the authoritarian approach, asking, Where does bulldozer politics fit in a democracy?
Singh further dismisses Pawaiya’s claims, refusing to recognize him as a legitimate leader.
Analysts Predict Impact: Political experts foresee these decisions significantly impacting MP’s political landscape. The BJP’s Hindutva stance could solidify its base, while the Congress’s opposition might resonate with certain sections of the electorate, potentially paving the way for a comeback.