After an extended wait, Rajasthan got its new Chief Minister on Tuesday, December 12 at 4:15 pm. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced Sanganer MLA Bhajanlal Sharma as the next Chief Minister of the state.
Earlier, a meeting of the BJP legislature party was held in the presence of the party’s central observers Rajnath Singh, Vinod Tawde, and Saroj Pandey. In this meeting, Vasundhara Raje proposed the name of Bhajanlal Sharma, which was accepted unanimously.
About Bhajanlal Sharma:
- A native of Bharatpur district, Bhajanlal Sharma has been active in the BJP organization for a long time.
- He has also served as State General Secretary.
- MLA was elected from Sanganer for the first time in the 2023 assembly elections.
- Bhajanlal Sharma was made the candidate by canceling the ticket of sitting MLA Ashok Lahoti.
Challenges before the new Chief Minister:
BJP did not get an absolute majority in the assembly elections in Rajasthan. In such a situation, handling the alliance will be a big challenge for Bhajanlal Sharma.
Issues like unemployment, farmers’ problems, and economic reforms in the state will also be a priority for the new Chief Minister.
Future Expectations:
Bhajanlal Sharma is considered a strong leader of the organization. It is expected that he will be successful in strengthening the party in the state and taking forward the development works.
The people of Rajasthan have high expectations from Bhajanlal Sharma as the new Chief Minister. It is expected that he will play an important role in the development of the state.
Formula to replace old faces in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh: BJP recently made new faces the Chief Ministers by replacing old faces in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. There was a possibility of this formula being adopted in Rajasthan too. In such a situation, Vasundhara Raje, who has been the Chief Minister of Rajasthan twice, could have been out of the race to become the Chief Minister.
Resentment among MLAs against Vasundhara Raje: Some MLAs were unhappy with the tenure of Vasundhara Raje. He had complained about this to the party leadership. In such a situation, the chances of Vasundhara Raje becoming the Chief Minister were further reduced.
Organizational Experience of Bhajanlal Sharma: Bhajanlal Sharma is the National General Secretary of BJP. He has a lot of experience in the party. He is known as a disciplined and worker-centric leader of the party. In such a situation, he was considered a good candidate for the post of Chief Minister.
Overall, there are many reasons behind Bhajanlal Sharma becoming the Chief Minister. These include the formula adopted by the party’s central leadership in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, resentment among MLAs against Vasundhara Raje, and the organizational experience of Bhajanlal Sharma.