On Thursday, Union Minister Pralhad Joshi clarified the recent suspension of 13 MPs from the Lok Sabha. Contradicting initial reports of 14 suspensions, Joshi stated that one member’s suspension was reversed due to mistaken identity. He emphasized that the primary reason for the action was violating the new Parliament’s rule against bringing placards inside.
The Rule and Its Violation:
According to Joshi, a Business Advisory Committee (BAC) meeting solidified the ban on placards after shifting to the new Parliament building. This rule unanimously agreed upon, was disregarded by suspended MPs who brought placards during a protest demanding a statement from Union Minister Amit Shah.
Opposition Outrage:
The suspensions sparked an outcry from opposition parties. DMK chief MK Stalin labeled the act undemocratic and an attack on freedom of expression, while TMC MP Sukhendu Shekhar Roy questioned the new Parliament’s security arrangements. Congress MP Jairam Ramesh even went as far as calling the government a dictatorship.
Beyond the Placards:
While the placards triggered the immediate action, the underlying reason seems to be the opposition’s demand for Amit Shah’s statement on a security issue. Their protest, disrupted by the suspension, remains unresolved.
13 MPs were suspended for violating the new Parliament’s rule against bringing placards inside.
Opposition parties vehemently condemned the move, citing concerns about democracy and freedom of expression.