Prashant Kishore, during his Jan Suraj Padyatra in the Taralahi village of Bahadurpur block, Darbhanga, launched a scathing attack on Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav. His remarks highlighted his concerns about the Grand Alliance and its implications for Bihar’s governance and development.
Key Remarks by Prashant Kishore
- On the Grand Alliance:
- Prashant Kishore stated that Nitish Kumar is unaware of how disastrous the Grand Alliance could be for him.
- He warned that if Nitish Kumar’s party loses in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, it could lead to its complete downfall.
- On Lalu-Nitish Relationship:
- Kishore mocked the partnership between Nitish Kumar and Lalu Yadav, sarcastically saying, “Only we know how much Lalu and Nitish love each other.”
- He claimed credit for bringing the two leaders together in 2015 but expressed skepticism about their current alliance.
- On Voter Awareness:
- He emphasized the need for voters to focus on their children’s future.
- Kishore urged people to prioritize education, healthcare, and employment when voting, stating, “If you want a better future for your children, you must vote wisely.”
- On Jungle Raj:
- Taking aim at the alliance, he accused Nitish Kumar of attempting to revive Jungle Raj by joining hands with Lalu Yadav.
- He suggested that Nitish’s actions are a strategy to stay in power, despite the public’s dissatisfaction with his leadership.
Allegations Against Nitish Kumar
Prashant Kishore outlined several criticisms of Nitish Kumar’s political maneuvers:
- Fear of Losing Power:
Kishore alleged that Nitish Kumar joined forces with RJD out of fear that the BJP would remove him as Chief Minister after the 2024 elections. - Focus on Retaining Power:
He claimed that Nitish Kumar is more concerned about remaining in office until 2025 than addressing Bihar’s pressing issues. - Neglect of Development:
Kishore accused Nitish of ignoring Bihar’s development and urged him to focus on overcoming his fears and working for the welfare of the state.
About the Jan Suraj Padyatra
Prashant Kishore elaborated on the purpose of his padyatra:
- Daily Schedule: He visits 8-10 villages daily, engaging with people to understand their problems and motivate them to find solutions.
- Objective: The padyatra aims to make people aware of their rights and responsibilities, urging them to vote for progress and development.