Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is starting preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections under Mission 400. The party will announce the names of some candidates in February. There will be a jumbo meeting in Delhi later this month, in which the election strategy will be discussed. The party will announce some candidates soon. The party will contest more seats than in 2019.
BJP has set a target of winning 400 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party has started preparations for this. The party plans to announce the names of some candidates in February. Young faces will also be included in these candidates. There will be a jumbo meeting in Delhi later this month, in which the election strategy will be discussed. All senior leaders of the party will attend this meeting.
BJP is all set to win again in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party has prepared its strategy for the elections to be held later this year. A meeting of the party’s national council is likely to be held in February. Senior leaders of the party will attend this meeting and discuss the election strategy. The party is also planning to announce some candidates soon. Young faces will also be included in these candidates.
BJP has decided to contest elections on more seats than in 2019. In 2019, the BJP had contested 436 seats out of 543. This time, the party is planning to contest more than 450 seats out of 543.
The BJP has lost alliance partners, Janata Dal (U) and Shiv Sena. For this reason, the party needs to contest more seats. The party has asked two-term Rajya Sabha members, including members of its Union Council of Ministers, to identify Lok Sabha seats where they can contest. If one looks at the candidate selection process for the elections in the three Hindi-speaking states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, political observers will find some surprising inclusions and drops.