BJP is planning to contest more than 400 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party is also trying to achieve a 50 per cent vote share. The BJP will focus on more seats, especially in areas where it faced a tough challenge in 2019. The Congress is considering contesting 255 seats, which is less than in 2019. The opposition India faction has not yet announced the seat-sharing pattern.
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is all set to score a hat-trick in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party is eyeing making Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third time. To achieve this goal, the BJP has prepared an ambitious strategy. The party aims to win more than 400 seats. BJP believes that if it wins 400 seats, it will get a majority in the Lok Sabha and will be able to form the government again.
The party plans to announce its candidates in late January or early February. On the other hand, the Congress party is also set to win the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party aims to win 255 seats. Congress believes that if it wins 255 seats, it will be able to weaken the BJP and increase its chances of coming to power. The party has informed its state units that it is considering contesting 255 seats.
The opposition India faction has not yet formally announced the seat-sharing blueprint. However, even before the meeting took place, it seemed that the Congress had a dispute with several regional parties over seat-sharing. Regional partisan conflicts have broken out in West Bengal, Maharashtra and Punjab. Both parties have accelerated election preparations. The party is busy selecting its candidates and preparing strategies for the election campaign.
The contest between BJP and Congress in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections is going to be very exciting. Both parties have given their full strength to win the elections. The contest has become even more interesting with BJP’s ambition of 400 seats and Congress’ focus on 255 seats.