BJP is working on a mega plan to woo young voters in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. This plan aims to include the youth who have become adults after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and are going to vote for the first time this time. Under this plan, BJP through its Yuva Morcha is running a campaign across the country to make the youth aware and encourage them to vote. On January 24, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address 50 lakh new voters gathered at 5,000 locations across the country through video conferencing.
BJP believes that young voters are the future of the country and it is important to win over them on its side. Therefore, the party has prepared a mega plan to woo the young voters. Under this plan, BJP through its Yuva Morcha is running a campaign across the country to make the youth aware and encourage them to vote. Under this campaign, Yuva Morcha workers are contacting youth in schools, colleges, playgrounds and door-to-door.
Under this campaign, BJP through its Yuva Morcha is organizing various programs across the country to sensitize the youth and encourage them to vote. These programs include: Visiting schools, colleges and playgrounds to meet youth and tell them about the importance of voting.
Organizing special events for youth, such as concerts, sports competitions and cultural programs.
Running a campaign on social media to encourage youth to vote.
On January 24, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address 50 lakh new voters gathered at 5,000 locations across the country through video conferencing. Through this speech, Modi will tell the young voters about the development of India and the achievements of the Modi government.
Under this plan, the BJP has also prepared a new slogan. The slogan is, If You’re Eighteen, Why Are You Waiting, Come for Voting. Through this slogan, the BJP wants to motivate young voters to vote. This plan is an important opportunity for the BJP. If the BJP makes this plan successful, it can help it win the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.