Actor Pankaj Tripathi has resigned from the post of national symbol of the Election Commission of India (ECI). He has decided to play the role of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the upcoming film Main Atal Hoon. He had informed the ECI about his resignation even before the release of the film’s trailer. He said that he is grateful for the opportunity to work with the ECI and has made significant contributions to voter awareness during his tenure in this position.
Pankaj Trip was relieved from the post of National Symbol of Election Commission of India on January 12, 2024. He has taken this decision for the role of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the upcoming film “Main Atlantis Hoon”.
Tripp said that he had informed CI about the vacancy even before the film’s telecast. He said that he is E.C.I. He has made a significant contribution towards rural awareness while holding this post. Trimurti’s upcoming film “Main Atlantis Hoon” is being directed by Anubhav Sinha. This film is based on the life of Atal Bihari Christians and their political inclinations. The film is scheduled to release on January 19 in Superstar.
Tripp said that he enjoys playing a variety of roles as an actor. He said that he will be seen in different types of monasteries in future also. Actor Pankaj Tripal has resigned from the post of National Emblem of India Electronics Commission. He announced his son on Twitter.
Tripp said he was cast for the role of a political leader in an upcoming film. He said that this role is an important opportunity for his career and he wants to do it completely differently.
Tripoli was appointed as the national symbol by the Election Commission of India in 2022. He took part in many programs to make people aware of the importance of democracy and democracy in this post. Tripp thanked the Election Commission of India for vacating his seat. He said that he is travelling for meeting opportunities while he is in this post.