Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, inaugurated the Mumbai Transharbor Link (MTHL), now named Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri – Nhava Sheva Atal Setu. It is the longest sea bridge in India, with a length of 21.8 kilometres. At the inauguration ceremony, PM Modi urged the youth to fight dynastic politics.
For the first time, voters can bring new energy and strength to India’s democracy, he said. “If you participate in active politics (and the electoral process), you will be able to reduce the impact of dynastic politics. You know that dynastic politics has harmed the country.
PM Modi said that the youth of India can change the world. He said that the youth should be encouraged to make innovations and contribute to making India a strong nation. He said, “Amrit Kaal is a golden era for the youth of the country. The youth of India are becoming brand ambassadors of Yoga and Ayurveda.
PM Modi said that many great personalities of India belong to Maharashtra. He said that it is not a mere coincidence that many great personalities of India are related to the land of Maharashtra. He said This land is the effect of this ‘Punyabhoomi, Veerbhoomi and Tapobhoomi.
About Atal Setu:
Atal Setu connects Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. It is the longest sea bridge in India, with a length of 21.8 kilometres. It has been built at a total cost of more than Rs 17,840 crore. Construction of the bridge began in 2016 and was completed in 2023. The bridge was opened to the public in 2024. The inauguration of the bridge will reduce the distance between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. This will boost trade and industry and make transportation easier for people.
This bridge will help in reducing Mumbai’s traffic and better connect Navi Mumbai with Mumbai. Prime Minister Modi said in the inauguration ceremony that this bridge is a symbol of India’s development. He said that this bridge will help in making Mumbai a global city.
The inauguration of the bridge will greatly benefit the people of Mumbai. This bridge will reduce the distance between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai to less than 2 hours. This will boost trade and industry and make transportation easier for people. The construction of the bridge cost approximately Rs 20,000 crore. This bridge was built in 6 years. The bridge is named after former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Vajpayee made a significant contribution to the development of the country.