Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently said in a speech in Kochi that Bharat is becoming a major global trade hub and hence, it is important to focus on enhancing the country’s maritime power. He said Bharat has a coastline of 7,500 kilometres and has more than 200 ports. By harnessing these resources, Bharat can become a major maritime power in the world.
Prime Minister Modi said that in the last 10 years, the government has made several reforms in the sectors of ports, shipping and inland waterways. These reforms have boosted trade and created employment opportunities.
He said that the government is creating infrastructure like mega ports, shipbuilding and ship repair clusters. These projects will further boost India’s maritime power.
This comment of Prime Minister Modi shows that the Indian government is committed to increasing its influence in the maritime sector. Bharat needs to become a major maritime power as it is essential for the economic development and security of the country.
Some of the efforts being made by the government to enhance Bharat’s maritime power include:
increasing port capacity
Bharat has more than 200 ports, but most of these ports are old and have limited capacity. The government is working on several projects to increase the capacity of ports. These include:
Construction of Mega Ports: The government is constructing 14 mega ports. These ports will be equipped with modern facilities and will have the capacity to handle large quantities of cargo and passengers.
Expansion of Ports: The government is also expanding the existing ports. This will increase the capacity of these ports and they will be able to handle more cargo and passengers.
To develop the shipbuilding and repair industry
The shipbuilding and repair industry can play an important role in enhancing India’s maritime power. The government is taking several measures to promote the shipbuilding and repair industry. These include:
Subsidy for shipbuilding: The government is giving subsidies for shipbuilding. This will boost the shipbuilding industry and reduce the cost of shipbuilding in Bharat.
Promotion of research and development for shipbuilding: The government is promoting research and development for shipbuilding. This will improve the shipbuilding technology in Bharat.
develop inland waterways
Inland waterways are an important means of transportation of goods and passengers. The government is working on several projects for the development of inland waterways. These include:
Upgrading the river beds: The government is upgrading the river beds. This will facilitate the movement of big ships in the rivers.
Construction of structures on the banks of rivers: The government is constructing structures on the banks of rivers. This will facilitate water transportation in rivers.
Strengthening Maritime Security Forces
The Maritime Security Forces are responsible for protecting BharatI’s maritime domain. The government is taking several measures to strengthen the maritime security forces. These include:
Procurement of new ships and aircraft: The government is purchasing new ships and aircraft for the maritime security forces. This will improve the capability of maritime security forces.
Training and Modernization for Maritime Security Forces: The Government is undertaking training and modernization programs for Maritime Security Forces. This will improve the combat capability of the maritime security forces.
These efforts will help India become a major maritime power. Bharat’s growing maritime power will boost the country’s economic development and security.
Importance of Bharat Maritime Power
Bharat maritime power is of vital importance to both the economic development and security of the country. For economic growth, Bharat needs to export its goods and services. Sea routes for the transportation of goods and passengers