The Election Commission (EC) has intensified the efforts regarding preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The Commission will visit Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu from January 7 to 10 and evaluate the preparedness of these states.
Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar, along with Election Commissioners Anup Chandra Pandey and Arun Goyal, will lead the Commission’s delegation during this assessment period. During the visit, the Commission will meet political parties, senior police and administrative officials and review the election preparedness of the state.
Deputy Election Commissioners have earlier visited almost all the states to monitor the preparations for the Lok Sabha elections. It is the standard practice of the Election Commission to visit states before the Assembly or Lok Sabha elections and take stock of the preparations there.
However, it is still not clear whether the Election Commission will visit all the states and union territories or not. Those areas where assembly elections have been held recently may be omitted.