Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday also ignored the fourth summons of the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Kejriwal has described the ED summons as “illegal and politically motivated. Kejriwal has alleged that BJP wants to arrest him before the Lok Sabha elections.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday also ignored the fourth summons of the Enforcement Directorate (ED). ED had called Kejriwal for questioning in the case of alleged corruption in liquor sales and license distribution in Delhi. Kejriwal has described the ED summons as “illegal and politically motivated”. He has alleged that BJP wants to arrest him before the Lok Sabha elections.
Kejriwal said, “BJP aims to arrest Arvind Kejriwal and stop him from campaigning in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. ED has written that Arvind Kejriwal is not an accused, so why has the summons been issued? Corrupt leaders join BJP. And the cases against them get closed. We have not done any corruption and no AAP leader will join BJP.”
Kejriwal also did not attend the last three summons of ED on November 2, December 22 and January 3. Kejriwal and his party have repeatedly objected to the summons, saying it was not clear whether he was asked to appear as a witness or a suspect, as the chief minister or as the AAP chief. And the agency has not provided any details about itself. Question line.
Former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia and AAP’s Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh are in judicial custody in the Delhi Excise Policy case. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has condemned Kejriwal’s action. BJP has said that Kejriwal has violated the law and he should respect the ED summons.
Delhi BJP secretary Harish Khurana said, “Kejriwal has again ignored the ED summons by making some excuses. Vipassana and political activities are important for Kejriwal but respecting the law is not important for him. Kejriwal can make excuses. , but he will have to respect the ED summons and the law will take its course. Kejriwal should answer many questions related to the excise policy.”