Naveen Patnaik recently inaugurated a heritage corridor around the Jagannath mandir complex. The project has been built at a cost of ₹ 1,943 crore and includes a 75-metre-long heritage corridor, a green buffer zone, tree-lined outdoor pathways and a public amenity area. Many people see this initiative of Patnaik as religious politics. They argue that Patnaik is inaugurating the project amid the construction of the Ram mandir to tap the Hindu vote bank.
Patnaik’s critics say the project is against secular values. They argue that a state government should not build a project for any particular religion. However, Patnaik and his supporters separate the project from religious politics. They say that this project is only to make the mandir complex beautiful and convenient. Patnaik believes that this project will help in developing the Jagannath Mandir as a world-famous tourist destination. He said the project would provide a “new future” for the temple complex.
Critics of Naveen Patnaik
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s critics are constantly raising questions about his religious leanings. Some critics say that Patnaik’s religious outreach mirrors the moves of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), suggesting an abandonment of secular values.
Patnaik had recently urged the people of the state to light lamps, blow conch shells, cymbals and recite devotional hymns at the inauguration of a new corridor for the Jagannath temple in Puri. Some people have called this request a step taken after learning from the strategy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Patnaik’s critics say he is trying to win votes based on religion. He says that Patnaik’s religious inclination is against the secular values of Odisha. Patnaik’s supporters say that he is a secular leader. He says that Patnaik has always treated people of all religions equally.
beyond the corridor
Apart from the new corridor built for the Jagannath mandir in Puri, this complex project also involves extensive redevelopment of the mandir complex. These include everything from the innovative Shree Setu to a dedicated shuttle lane and an AC tunnel for the comfort of devotees. The project aims to decongest the growing crowd and prevent stampede-like situations during festivals, especially Rath Yatra.