Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated a grand mandir of Hindu Lord Ram in Ayodhya. The mandir was built on the site of the 16th-century Babri Masjid, which was demolished by a Hindu mob in 1992.
The inauguration ceremony of the mandir was a grand affair, attended by a huge crowd. Modi said at the ceremony that the construction of the mandir was a historic moment for India. He said the mandir is “a symbol for all Indians”.
The mandir was built by the Hindu religious organization Ram Janmabhoomi Trust. The Trust has estimated the cost of constructing the temple at Rs 591 crore. The mandir is 500 feet long, 300 feet wide and 221 feet high. It has a huge sanctum sanctorum, in which an idol of Lord Rama is installed.
After the inauguration of the mandir, people of the Hindu community expressed happiness and enthusiasm. They set off fireworks and took out processions in the areas around the mandir.
The inauguration of the mandir has also raised fears of increasing religious polarization in India. Some Muslim groups have opposed the construction of the mandir, calling it a move that will stoke communal tensions in India.
importance of mandir
Ram mandir has an important place in the Hindu religion. According to Hindu beliefs, Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya. The construction of the mandir was a long-standing demand of Hindu nationalists.
The construction of the mandir has given a major victory to Hindu nationalists. This mandir reflects the growing power of Hindu nationalism.
effects of mandir
The effects of the mandir’s opening are still unclear. However, there is a possibility that this temple will lead to religious polarization in India. Apart from this, this temple can also affect the international image of India.
Some key points of the inauguration of the mandir
- The Mandir was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.
- The Mandir is built on the site of the 16th-century Babri Masjid.
- The mandir was built by the Hindu religious organization Ram Janmabhoomi Trust. The mandir is 500 feet long, 300 feet wide and 221 feet high. The mandir has a huge sanctum sanctorum, in which an idol of Lord Rama is installed.