Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated India’s longest sea bridge, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu. This bridge connects Sewri in Mumbai and Nhava Sheva in Raigad district. The length of this bridge is 21.8 kilometres, making it the 12th longest sea bridge in the world.
After the inauguration of this bridge, the distance between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai will reduce from 2 hours to about 15-20 minutes. This bridge will also reduce the distance between Mumbai and Pune. The under-construction Navi Mumbai International Airport will also provide connections to areas such as. 70,000 vehicles are expected to pass on the bridge every day. The construction of this bridge has cost Rs 17,840 crore. This bridge has been built with the cooperation of the Government of India, the Government of Maharashtra and the private sector.
On the inauguration of this bridge, Prime Minister Modi said that this bridge is an important milestone in the development of Mumbai. He said that this bridge will help in making Mumbai a global city.
After the inauguration of this bridge, the people of Mumbai will get great convenience in transportation. This bridge will also play an important role in the development and economic progress of Mumbai.
What is not allowed?
The following vehicles are not allowed on the Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL):
- Motorcycle
- auto-rickshaw
- Tractor
- moped
- three wheeler
- animal-drawn vehicles
- slow moving vehicle
Additionally, multi-axle heavy vehicles, trucks and buses heading towards Mumbai will not be allowed entry on the Eastern Freeway. They will have to take the Mumbai Port-Sivari exit (Exit 1C) and use MBPT Road near ‘Gadi Adda’ for onward movement.
These restrictions have been imposed for security reasons. Small vehicles like motorcycles and auto rickshaws are prone to damage from the heavy equipment used for the construction of the bridge. Tractors and slow moving vehicles are prone to disrupting traffic movement on the bridge. Multi-axle heavy vehicles are prone to damage to the base of the bridge.
What is allowed?
Four-wheelers are allowed to run at a maximum speed of 100 kmph on the Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL). However, the speed will be limited to 40 kmph on the ascents and descents of the bridge.
In addition, the following vehicles are also permitted on MTHL:
- the cab
- light motor vehicles
- minibus
- two-axle buses
These vehicles do not require any special permission to operate on the bridge.
Mumbai Trans Harbor Link is an important infrastructure project that will reduce the distance between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and make commuting easier for people. By knowing the vehicles allowed on this bridge and their speed limits, people can travel safely and smoothly.