West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday criticized the high-level committee for ‘one nation, one election’ and said the committee promotes unilateral, top-down decisions of the central government. Banerjee, in a letter to the committee’s secretary, said It appears that you are referring to a unilateral top-down decision taken by the Central government to impose a structure that has already been decided This is fundamentally against the true democratic and federal spirit laid down by the respected Constitution of India.
He said, From the tenor of your letter, it appears that you view the proposed amendments to the Constitution as a mere formality, to be dealt with along with other minor matters such as preparation of the common electoral roll. Banerjee said taking such important decisions without consulting state governments would violate the spirit of the Constitution. State governments, which are, in fact, pillars of our federal Constitution, must be included in this process, he said.
Banerjee urged the committee to consult state governments and consider their views. If the committee consults state governments, we may be able to develop a joint approach to proposing all-India elections together, he said. Following Banerjee’s criticism, the committee secretary said the committee was committed to consulting all stakeholders. The committee will hold a meeting to consult with the state governments, he said.
What is the reason behind the criticism of Mamata Banerjee?
There could be many reasons behind the criticism of Mamata Banerjee. One reason could be that she opposes the central government’s ‘one nation, one election’ scheme. She considers this scheme expensive and not feasible.
Another reason could be that she wants to accuse the central government of ignoring the state governments. She wants the central government to consult with the state governments and consider their views.
What will be the impact of Mamata Banerjee’s criticism?
Mamata Banerjee’s criticism may have an impact on the ‘One Nation, One Election’ plan. Their criticism may raise a new voice against the plan. This may increase difficulties for the central government to implement the scheme.