The upcoming inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, scheduled for January 22, 2024, is a momentous occasion for Hindus worldwide. Amidst the grand celebrations, one name shines particularly bright: Morari Bapu, a revered spiritual leader and exponent of the epic Ramayana, has outshone even prominent industrialists with his record-breaking donation to the temple’s construction.
Babulal is a Ram devotee and is a staunch supporter of the temple project. He has been organizing Ram Katha for more than 50 years both in India and abroad.
Babulal’s donation has made a significant contribution to the construction of the temple. This donation is an important step towards the construction of the temple.
A Humble Saint with an Immense Heart:
Bapu, known for his humility and profound devotion to Lord Ram, has donated a staggering Rs. 11.3 crore to the Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, the body overseeing the temple’s construction. This makes him the largest individual donor to the project, surpassing contributions from many wealthy industrialists.
Beyond Individual Generosity:
Bapu’s dedication extends beyond his contribution. He actively mobilized his followers, particularly those residing in the US, Canada, and Britain, to contribute as well. Their combined donations total an additional Rs. 8 crore, further bolstering the temple’s construction fund.
A Beacon of Devotion and Service:
Bapu’s generosity is not merely a financial gesture; it embodies his lifelong dedication to Lord Ram and his teachings. He is widely recognized for his captivating renditions of Ramcharitmanas, the revered devotional poem based on the Ramayana, which he has been sharing for over 50 years across India and abroad.
A Message of Faith and Unity:
Bapu’s immense contribution transcends individual recognition. It serves as a powerful testament to the enduring faith and unwavering devotion of millions of Ram devotees who have come together to make this dream a reality. His act of generosity inspires unity and reinforces the importance of collective effort in achieving a shared vision.
The inauguration of the Ram Mandir is a historic event, marking the culmination of decades of struggle and devotion. Morari Bapu’s record-breaking donation stands as a shining example of selfless service and unwavering faith, adding a special dimension to this momentous occasion.