Dr. Santosh Kumar Suman, national president of Hindustan Awam Morcha (HAM) said that the party is still preparing to contest elections on 10-12 seats. He said that the party’s booth-level preparations are good, but more preparation is needed to move ahead in the electoral battle. He said that the party is ready to make every sacrifice to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister again.
National President of Hindustan Awam Morcha (HAM), Dr. Santosh Kumar Suman said in the party meeting on Saturday that it has not been decided on the membership of the party in the Lok Sabha elections. He said that the party has preparations at the 10-12 booth level, but it is not such that the party will progress so far in the electoral battle.
Suman said that the party is ready to make every sacrifice to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister again. He said that the party wants to play an important role in the development of the country under the leadership of Modi.
Despite pursuing individual electoral battles, HAM continues to express unwavering support for Narendra Modi’s re-election as Prime Minister. This seemingly contradictory stance suggests a potential strategy of bargaining for increased influence within the NDA after the polls. Suman’s statement leaves the party’s final electoral strategy ambiguous, keeping both allies and opponents on their toes.
It has become clear from this statement of Suman that Hindustan Awam Morcha (Hum) is still preparing to contest elections on 10-12 seats, despite joining NDA. The party is still busy finalizing its election strategy.