Prime Minister Narendra Modi described Rajasthan MLA Shankar Singh Rawat as an incarnate man. Rawat said that Modi has taken an incarnation like Shri Krishna”. The rhetoric of both leaders has allowed the opposition parties to target them.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday described Rajasthan MLA Shankar Singh Rawat as a man incarnate. He said that under the leadership of Rawat, the development work of BJP is going on rapidly in Rajasthan.
Rawat also praised Modi, saying he had taken an incarnation like Shri Krishna. He said that the country is moving on the path of development under the leadership of Modi.
The rhetoric of both leaders has given the opposition parties an opportunity to target them. Congress said that Modi and Rawat have started considering themselves as God. Aam Aadmi Party said that this statement is an insult to the sovereignty of the country.