For the Lok Sabha elections 2024, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has appointed two youth leaders, Jitendra Singh ‘Nazriya’ and Vinod Poonia as its chief campaign coordinators. Nazriya and Poonia, both under 40, have a deep understanding of the inner workings of the BJP. His appointment is being seen as an effort to rejuvenate the party and bring forward new faces.
BJP bets on youth for 2024: Nazriya (34) & Poonia (38) lead Lok Sabha campaign as party chief coordinators. Both ex-officers known for social media & farmer outreach, are seen as key to rejuvenating the party’s image.
Ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken a bold step by placing its trust in two young leaders, Jitendra Singh “Nazriya” (34) and Vinod Poonia (38), as its chief campaign coordinators. This move signifies a conscious effort by the party to refresh its image and bring forward new faces.
Nazriya, a former IAS officer with expertise in social media, and Poonia, a former IPS officer with a strong connection to farmers, are both seen as valuable assets to the BJP’s campaign. Their deep understanding of the party’s machinery and dedication to key voter groups like youth and farmers could prove crucial in the upcoming elections.
While Poonia’s farmer-friendly stance aims to address a vital demographic, Nazriya’s social media savvy is expected to energize the party’s online presence and attract younger voters. This strategic combination of experience and fresh perspectives has the potential to revitalize the BJP’s campaign and boost its chances in the 2024 elections.
Forget veterans, BJP gambles on Nazriya (34) & Poonia (38) – ex-officers turned social media & farmer champions – to spearhead 2024 campaign. Can these young guns crack the Lok Sabha code and rejuvenate the party’s image?