The Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, has invited online nominations for the prestigious Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Telecom Excellence Awards 2024. Indian citizens, as well as organizations and institutions registered in India or established by the Central/State governments and Union Territories, are eligible to apply.
Nominations can also be submitted by universities, technical and academic institutions, Invest India, and heads of recognized telecom industry associations. Additionally, the Award Committee may independently recommend candidates with sufficient justification.
Interested applicants can submit their nominations through the National Award Portal ( by the deadline of September 30, 2024. The awards consist of a shawl, citation, plaque, and a cash prize of ₹2 lakh, with a maximum of five awards given each year.
These awards aim to encourage innovation and excellence in the telecom sector, recognizing individuals and institutions that contribute significantly to areas such as telecom innovations, services, and sector-specific solutions in fields like agriculture, health, and education. By fostering a culture of innovation, these awards are intended to drive the growth of India’s telecom infrastructure and improve the quality of life across the nation.