Doordarshan, India’s national broadcaster, has been announced as the official broadcast partner for the upcoming Hockey India League (HIL) 2024-25. This collaboration aims to bring hockey into the homes of millions across India, making the sport more accessible and boosting its popularity nationwide.
The 2024-25 season of HIL is particularly historic as it marks the debut of the Women’s Hockey India League, alongside the highly anticipated men’s competition. The league will feature 8 men’s teams and 4 women’s teams, with matches scheduled to take place in Rourkela and Ranchi. The addition of the women’s league highlights Hockey India’s commitment to gender inclusivity and promoting women’s sports at a national level.
Doordarshan’s wide-reaching network will ensure that the thrilling action of HIL is broadcasted to millions of viewers across the country, enhancing the visibility of hockey and its players.
Hockey India’s Vision for Growth
Dr. Dilip Tirkey, Chairperson of the Hockey India League Governing Committee, expressed excitement about the partnership, saying, “This year is special with the launch of the Women’s HIL, and we’re thrilled to have Doordarshan as our official broadcaster. Their unmatched reach and dedication to sports align perfectly with our goal of taking hockey to every corner of the nation and inspiring millions.”
Bhola Nath Singh, a member of the HIL governing committee, added, “Hockey is a symbol of our national pride, and the introduction of the Women’s HIL this season is a monumental step towards equality for women athletes. With Doordarshan on board, we’re ready to deliver an extraordinary season of HIL.”
Doordarshan’s Role in Bringing Hockey to Every Indian Household
Gaurav Dwivedi, CEO of Prasar Bharati, also commented on the partnership, saying, “Doordarshan is honored to partner with the Hockey India League, a platform that celebrates our national sport. With our wide coverage, we aim to bridge the urban-rural divide and ensure fans from every part of India can experience the excitement of the league, including the historic debut of the Women’s HIL.”
Through this collaboration, all HIL matches will be telecast live on Doordarshan, making it accessible to hockey enthusiasts across India. Fans from even the most remote areas will be able to follow the action, creating a nationwide celebration of the sport.
Expansion of Broadcast Coverage
In a significant development, Doordarshan will not only broadcast the HIL but also extend its coverage to all Hockey India National Championships across various categories. Going forward, all hockey events organized by Hockey India will be aired on Doordarshan, further strengthening the sport’s presence across the nation.
This partnership marks a new era for Indian hockey, with Doordarshan playing a pivotal role in bringing the sport closer to the people and ensuring its growth at both the grassroots and elite levels.