The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecasted the arrival of a fresh western disturbance in northwest India starting from the night of January 4. This weather system is expected to bring widespread snowfall and rainfall across the region, particularly affecting the western Himalayan areas.
According to the IMD, scattered precipitation is anticipated in the western Himalayan region from January 1 to 3. The intensity of the weather system is likely to increase, resulting in more extensive snowfall and rainfall on January 4 and 5.
Current Weather Conditions
IMD scientist Soma Sen Roy explained that the previous western disturbance has moved away, causing cold wave conditions to ease in most parts of north India, although they persist in the western Himalayan region.
Roy added, “Severe weather occurred on December 27-28, followed by cold wave and foggy conditions. The absence of strong winds has prevented the dispersal of fog, which has now settled as low clouds across north India, creating cold day conditions.”
Temperature and Regional Impact
The upcoming western disturbance is expected to raise minimum temperatures by 3-5 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is predicted across Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh during this period.
The IMD has also warned of dense to very dense fog and cold day conditions persisting over northwest India in the next 2-3 days.
This weather update is crucial as the region prepares for the new year under challenging weather conditions.