Sriharikota : The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched the Space Docking Experiment (SpaDeX) mission, marking a historic achievement in India’s space exploration journey. The launch of PSLV-C60 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre carried two satellites, SDX01 (the Chaser) and SDX02 (the Target), designed to demonstrate in-space docking technology.
This mission positions India among an elite group of nations—alongside the US, Russia, and China—that have mastered this critical space capability.
The SpaDeX mission is a cost-effective technology demonstrator aimed at testing orbital docking, a crucial step for future human spaceflights, satellite servicing, and advanced interplanetary missions. ISRO stated that this technology is essential for achieving India’s ambitious goals, such as lunar sample return missions, the development of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS), and manned missions to the Moon.
Mission Details
The PSLV-C60’s launch was scheduled for 10:00 PM on December 30. Post-launch, the Target satellite was separated 15 minutes into the flight, followed by the Chaser. Over the next 10-14 days, the Chaser will perform incremental velocity adjustments to dock with the Target in low Earth orbit. This complex operation will involve precise calculations to progressively reduce the distance between the two satellites.
Apart from SpaDeX, PSLV-C60 also carried 24 payloads as part of the PS4-Orbital Experiment Module (POEM-4). These include scientific experiments and technology demonstrations, further showcasing ISRO’s commitment to innovation and its growing capabilities in space research.
Significance of Docking Technology
In-space docking is a game-changer for multi-phase space missions. It allows spacecraft to connect in orbit, enabling tasks such as refueling, assembly of larger structures, and repair. This technology will play a key role in future missions requiring multiple rocket launches for a unified objective.
ISRO’s SpaDeX mission represents a critical step forward for India’s space program, bolstering its position on the global stage. As the year closes, this success serves as a strong foundation for ISRO’s ambitious plansi n 2025 and beyond.