Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today paid heartfelt tributes to the legendary Raj Kapoor on his 100th birth anniversary, celebrating him as a visionary filmmaker, actor, and the eternal showman of Indian cinema. In a post on X, the Prime Minister described Raj Kapoor not only as a pioneering filmmaker but also as a cultural ambassador who introduced Indian cinema to the global stage.
Shri Modi highlighted Raj Kapoor’s remarkable contribution to cinema, noting that his films were a unique blend of artistry, emotion, and social commentary. The Prime Minister praised how Kapoor’s work reflected the aspirations and struggles of ordinary people, making his films resonate with audiences across generations. He also mentioned the iconic characters and unforgettable melodies in Raj Kapoor’s movies, which continue to captivate audiences worldwide.
Concluding his tribute, PM Modi emphasized the lasting influence of Raj Kapoor on generations of filmmakers and actors, urging them to learn from his legacy. The Prime Minister expressed his deep admiration for Kapoor’s unparalleled contributions to the world of cinema and reiterated his respect for the legendary figure’s role in shaping the global image of Indian cinema.