Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday strongly condemned the Opposition for filing impeachment notices against Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Allahabad High Court Judge Shekhar Kumar Yadav. Speaking at the World Hindu Economic Forum 2024, Adityanath accused the Opposition of attempting to suppress those who “speak the truth.”
The controversy arose after members of several opposition parties submitted a notice in the Rajya Sabha for the impeachment of Justice Yadav over remarks made at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad event on December 8, where he reportedly advocated for a Uniform Civil Code. The Supreme Court has since sought details of the incident from the Allahabad High Court.
Adityanath criticized the Opposition’s actions, stating, “Whoever speaks the truth, these people try to silence with impeachment motions, while claiming to uphold the Constitution. This is sheer double standards.”
He defended Justice Yadav’s comments, emphasizing the importance of a Uniform Civil Code and asserting that across the world, the sentiments of the majority community are respected. “What is the crime if someone voices such opinions? Shouldn’t there be equality between majority and minority communities in the country?” Adityanath questioned.
On the impeachment notice against Dhankhar, Adityanath said it stemmed from prejudice against his background. “The Opposition is uncomfortable that a farmer’s son has risen to this position. They cannot tolerate someone putting forth the truth on social and cultural matters,” he alleged.
The UP Chief Minister also accused the Congress of “strangulating the Constitution” and manipulating systems for its benefit. He urged society to expose those suppressing India’s cultural and historical legacy.
Highlighting India’s economic achievements under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Adityanath noted that the country has become the world’s fifth-largest economy within a decade and is poised to rank third by 2027. He also credited Uttar Pradesh’s economic growth, declaring it the country’s second-largest economy and on track to reach a $1 trillion milestone.
Adityanath contrasted the nation’s current leadership with historical examples, such as praising the workers who built the Ram Temple in Ayodhya while recalling rulers who “chopped the hands of those who built the Taj Mahal.” He underscored the importance of honoring India’s heritage for sustained economic strength.
The ongoing controversy reflects the growing tensions between the ruling BJP and the Opposition on matters of judiciary, governance, and cultural identity.