Bijapur, Chhattisgarh – In a tragic incident, eight security personnel and a driver lost their lives in a Maoist attack on Monday in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district. The attack occurred when Maoists used an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) to blow up a vehicle carrying security forces.
The incident took place in the Bastar region at around 2:15 pm. The victims, part of the District Reserve Guard (DRG), were returning to their base camp after a successful operation in the Abujhmad region, where five Maoists, including two women, were killed.
Visuals from the blast site revealed a large crater, highlighting the intensity of the explosion. Reports indicate that the Maoists employed a foxhole technique, which involves concealing explosives in pre-dug holes filled with stones, making detection difficult during anti-mine operations.
Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range), Sundarraj Pattilingam, confirmed the sequence of events. “The personnel were returning after a three-day operation. Unfortunately, the IED blast targeted their vehicle,” he said.
Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai condemned the attack, describing it as “heinous” and “tragic.” He extended his condolences to the families of the deceased and vowed that their sacrifices would not be in vain. “The government is fully committed to eradicating Naxalism. Efforts will intensify to ensure peace is restored in affected areas,” he said.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has set a target to eliminate Maoist activities by March 2026. The Chief Minister expressed confidence that Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region, comprising five Naxal-affected districts, would soon be free of insurgent activities.
Questions have been raised about the adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the transportation of DRG personnel, as they usually travel on foot or motorcycles to avoid such attacks.
This incident underscores the ongoing challenges security forces face in combating Maoist insurgency in the region, despite significant progress in recent years.
Further investigations are underway to determine the specifics of the attack. Authorities are committed to ensuring such tragic events do not recur.