Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bharadwaj were prevented by police from entering the Delhi Chief Minister’s official residence at 6, Flagstaff Road on Wednesday. The leaders had invited the media to inspect the property in response to the BJP’s allegations of lavish renovations, dubbing it the “Sheesh Mahal.”
Barricades were placed, and security personnel were deployed outside the residence, barring entry. When questioned about seeking prior permission, Mr. Singh and Mr. Bharadwaj dismissed the need, stating, “Why should we need permission to enter the Chief Minister’s residence?”
Addressing officials at the spot, Mr. Bharadwaj said, “I am a Minister here for an inspection. On whose orders are you stopping me? The lieutenant governor is the only authority above my position.”
Allegations and Counter-Allegations
Earlier in a press briefing, Mr. Bharadwaj announced plans to expose the BJP’s claims, saying, “We will search for the golden commode, swimming pool, and mini bar that the BJP alleges exist in the bungalow.” He also called for an investigation into the alleged misuse of taxpayer money.
The BJP has accused former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of turning the property into a “Sheesh Mahal” during his tenure, citing extravagant expenditures on renovations. Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva claimed that valuable items, including a “golden commode,” were missing from the bungalow after it was vacated by Mr. Kejriwal.
AAP countered these accusations by highlighting the cost of the Prime Minister’s residence, which they referred to as “Raj Mahal,” claiming it was constructed at ₹2,700 crore. The party challenged the BJP to open the Prime Minister’s residence for media inspection.
Political Impact
The controversy over the CM’s bungalow has become a focal point in the BJP’s Assembly election campaign, with the saffron party alleging misappropriation of public funds. Meanwhile, AAP has used the “Raj Mahal” jibe to accuse the BJP of hypocrisy.
Both parties continue to trade barbs as the row intensifies, with allegations of luxury lifestyles dominating the political narrative.