The grand finale of Bigg Boss 18 took an emotional turn as TV actor Avinash Mishra became the fourth finalist to be evicted from Salman Khan’s popular reality show. Following the exits of Eisha Singh and Chum Darang earlier in the evening, Avinash’s elimination left Karanveer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, and Rajat Dalal as the top three contestants vying for the coveted trophy.
Avinash’s journey in the Bigg Boss house was a whirlwind of drama, strategy, and controversy. While his gameplay often reflected a sharp, strategic approach, it also stirred debates among viewers. He occasionally came across as selfish and manipulative, but his unapologetic attitude and unique tactics kept him in the spotlight.
Avinash’s lighter side, showcased through his humorous impersonations of fellow housemates, made him a fan favorite at times. Despite this, his clashes with contestants like Chaahat Pandey and Kashish Kapoor often painted him in a negative light, with some labeling him as a “villain” of the season. However, he also demonstrated moments of integrity and charm, proving he could be both a formidable competitor and a gentleman.
Reflecting on his journey, Avinash had earlier commented on comparisons with past contestants, stating, “It’s natural for people to compare, but every individual is unique. I believe my personality will leave a lasting impression, and the audience will see the real me.”
With Avinash’s eviction, the competition now intensifies among the remaining three finalists. As fans eagerly await the final verdict, the race for the Bigg Boss 18 trophy has reached its peak.