The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) criticized Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday for allegedly attempting to draw media attention by writing an open letter to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat.
Responding to Kejriwal’s move, BJP national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi advised the Delhi Chief Minister to focus on learning from the RSS instead of using letters to target the saffron party. “Don’t write to the Sangh (RSS), learn from it,” Trivedi remarked.
Highlighting the contributions of the RSS-affiliated Seva Bharati, Trivedi pointed out that it is one of the largest organizations in India working for social welfare, including uplifting marginalized communities like Dalits living in slums.
The BJP’s response comes after Kejriwal’s letter sparked political debate, with the ruling party accusing him of using such gestures to garner publicity.