At least 30 people lost their lives, and over 60 others were injured in a stampede during the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, India, on January 29, 2025. The tragedy occurred as millions gathered to take a dip in the sacred river on the most auspicious day of the six-week Hindu festival. Some reports put the death toll closer to 40, with bodies continuing to arrive at the local hospital morgue hours after the incident.
The stampede happened when devotees surged toward the confluence of three rivers, a site believed to wash away sins. The crowd was reportedly exacerbated by road closures and barricades that caused chaos. Witnesses described a scene where people were crushed and suffocated, and some victims reportedly suffered heart attacks.
In response, local authorities and emergency services rushed to the scene. Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, stated that the stampede was triggered when some devotees attempted to breach the barricades. The authorities deployed additional security personnel and medical teams to control the situation and prevent further escalation.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences, while opposition parties criticized the government’s management of the event, accusing officials of mismanaging the crowd and prioritizing VIPs over the safety of common pilgrims. The incident is being investigated, and officials are under scrutiny for the crowd control measures implemented during the festival, which has drawn millions of attendees this year.