Jalgaon, Maharashtra – A tragic incident occurred near Paranda railway station on Wednesday at 4:19 PM, when eight passengers lost their lives in a devastating train accident. The victims, traveling on the Pushpak Express from Lucknow to Mumbai, reportedly jumped onto the tracks fearing a fire after noticing smoke emanating from the train’s wheels.
Unaware of the danger, the passengers inadvertently stepped into the path of the Bengaluru Express, which was approaching from the opposite direction. The collision resulted in the immediate loss of lives, marking a grim day for Indian Railways.
Central Railway’s chief spokesperson, Swapnil Nila, confirmed, “Some passengers of the Pushpak Express stepped down and were hit by the oncoming Karnataka Express.”
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed his deep condolences over the tragic event. He also instructed authorities to provide adequate medical treatment to the injured and extend all necessary support to the victims’ families.
This is a developing story, and further updates are expected as investigations continue.