New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi commended the Exam Warriors Art Festival, held on January 4, 2025, at Shantipath, New Delhi, for its innovative approach to helping students manage exam stress through artistic expression.
The festival saw enthusiastic participation from approximately 4,000 students across grades 9 to 12, representing 30 schools. Students showcased their creativity through various art forms, emphasizing the importance of stress-free examinations.
In response to social media posts about the festival, the Prime Minister shared his appreciation, stating:
“Overcoming exam stress through creative success! Happy to see so many youngsters come together and harness the power of art to convey a powerful message of stress-free exams.”
The Exam Warriors Art Festival aligns with the principles outlined in PM Modi’s book, Exam Warriors, which encourages students to embrace exams with positivity and confidence. Through initiatives like this festival, the event seeks to inspire young minds to balance academic responsibilities with creative pursuits, fostering a stress-free learning environment.