On January 12, 2025, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will participate in the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025, an event commemorating National Youth Day and the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Scheduled to take place at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi at 10 AM, the event will bring together 3,000 young leaders selected through a merit-based, multi-stage process involving over 30 lakh participants from across the country.
Purpose of the Dialogue
The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue seeks to redefine the tradition of National Youth Festivals by aligning with the Prime Minister’s vision of engaging one lakh youth in nation-building, regardless of political affiliation. This initiative provides a platform for innovative minds to present their ideas and solutions to address India’s key challenges, contributing towards the vision of a “Viksit Bharat” (Developed India).
Key Highlights
Presentations to the PM: Young leaders will deliver 10 thematic presentations covering areas such as technology, sustainability, women empowerment, manufacturing, and agriculture. These presentations represent actionable ideas for India’s progress.
Essay Compilation Release: The Prime Minister will unveil a compilation of the best essays submitted by participants, reflecting their insights on the same ten themes.
Interactive Lunch: In a unique setting, the PM will share lunch with participants, creating an opportunity for direct interaction where youth can share their ideas, experiences, and aspirations.
Cultural and Expert-Led Deliberations: The event, which begins on January 11, will include competitions, thematic activities, cultural performances, and sessions led by domain experts and mentors.
Selection Process
The 3,000 participants were chosen through the Viksit Bharat Challenge, a rigorous three-stage process:
1. Viksit Bharat Quiz: Conducted in 12 languages, this stage saw participation from 30 lakh young minds nationwide.
2. Essay Round: Over 2 lakh essays were submitted on themes critical to India’s development, narrowing the pool to top candidates.
3. State Rounds: Rigorous state-level competitions identified the most dynamic participants.
The final cohort includes:
1,500 participants from the Viksit Bharat Challenge Track, representing top-performing teams.
1,000 participants from the Traditional Track, selected through state-level youth festivals and exhibitions.
500 Pathbreakers, invited for their exceptional contributions in various fields.
Significance of the Initiative
This event underscores the government’s commitment to fostering youth engagement in governance and development. It provides a platform to harness young minds’ potential, bridging the gap between policy-making and youth aspirations while fostering a sense of ownership in shaping India’s future.
The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 promises to be a milestone in empowering the next generation to contribute actively toward realizing the dream of a developed India.