Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra apartment during the early hours of Thursday in what police suspect was a burglary attempt. The 52-year-old actor was stabbed multiple times and rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. Doctors have confirmed he is out of danger and currently recovering in the ICU.
Suspect Detained for Questioning
On Friday, Mumbai Police brought a suspect to the Bandra police station for questioning. Visuals shared by news agencies ANI and PTI showed officers escorting the individual into the station. However, police clarified that no arrests have been made yet, and it remains unclear if the detained person matches the suspect captured on CCTV footage.
Details of the Attack
The incident occurred at around 2 AM in Saif Ali Khan’s 12th-floor apartment in the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building. The family, including Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, their two sons Taimur (8) and Jeh (4), and five house helps, were present in the house at the time.
The intruder, armed with a wooden stick and a long Hexa blade, reportedly demanded ₹1 crore from Jeh’s nanny, Philip, who first encountered him. Police believe the attacker may have sneaked into the apartment unnoticed during the night.
CCTV Evidence
CCTV footage from the building shows a suspect wearing a brown T-shirt with a collar and a red scarf leaving the premises around 2:33 AM. The footage captured a clear image of the suspect’s face, aiding the investigation.
Saif Ali Khan’s Medical Condition
Doctors revealed that Saif sustained six stab wounds, including a severe injury to the thoracic spinal cord. A 2.5-inch knife was lodged in his spine, causing spinal fluid leakage. Emergency surgery successfully removed the knife and repaired the injury.
Police Investigation Underway
Police are treating the case as an attempted burglary and are investigating how the intruder accessed the building. Security measures in the area and eyewitness accounts are also being reviewed.
This shocking incident has prompted heightened security for the family, with fans and well-wishers expressing their concern and support for Saif Ali Khan’s recovery.