During a rally in Delhi’s Rohini, Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced an unexpected “teleprompter glitch,” leaving him momentarily speechless. This incident, reminiscent of a similar situation during a World Economic Forum virtual summit, has sparked a wave of reactions, jokes, and memes on social media.
Social Media Reactions
1. Satirical Blame Game:
Several users humorously suggested that political figures were behind the glitch. One quipped, “Looks like Kejriwal cut the teleprompter wire,” while another joked, “Nehru cut the power to the teleprompter.”
2. Comments on Oratory Skills:
Many users mocked Modi’s reliance on the teleprompter. A post read, “The greatest orator fumbles when the teleprompter fails,” while another commented, “Modi without a teleprompter is like BJP without EVMs.”
3. Memes Galore:
Social media was flooded with memes, with one user calling Modi a “#TeleprompterPM” and another sharing, “One nation, two teleprompters, both failed.”
4. Cynical Observations:
Some users linked the incident to deeper critiques. One post stated, “The teleprompter failed like BJP in Delhi,” and another remarked, “Fake orator struck dumb when the teleprompter failed.”
5. Creative Analogies:
Users creatively poked fun, with one writing, “He can buy an airplane worth ₹8,000 crores, but not a reliable teleprompter,” and another adding, “It’s not the teleprompter; the lies were too much for it to handle.”
Broader Implications
This incident has fueled debates about oratory authenticity and the prime minister’s reliance on scripted speeches.