Vice-President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, addressed a gathering at Sri Kshethra Dharmasthala today, where he inaugurated the Queue Complex and the Jnanadeepa Programme 2024-25. Emphasizing equality, he firmly criticized the VIP culture, stating it has no place in society, especially in religious institutions.
“VIP culture is an aberration,” he remarked. “The very idea of VIP darshan militates against divinity. Religious institutions symbolize equality, as no one is higher before the Almighty.” He called upon Dharmasthala to set an example of egalitarianism by rejecting VIP practices.
Politics for Service, Not Bitterness
Shri Dhankhar also urged political leaders to rise above divisiveness. “Politics is not for bitterness or power alone. It should be about serving society and promoting unity in diversity. The political climate, much like climate change, demands urgent moderation,” he stated. Stressing national interests, he added, “The goodness of the nation must dictate our actions. This country, home to one-sixth of humanity, is the cultural and spiritual center of the planet.”
Condemnation of Public Property Destruction
The Vice-President strongly criticized the destruction of public property by rogue elements, calling such acts a national disgrace. “Those who challenge law and order and destroy public property are enemies of the nation. They must be dealt with firmly and swiftly through fast-tracked cases,” he asserted.
He particularly condemned incidents of vandalism, including stone-pelting on trains, urging society to ostracize such elements.
Dialogue as the Pillar of Democracy
Highlighting the importance of dialogue, Shri Dhankhar said, “Democracy thrives on both dialogue and expression. If one focuses solely on expression without dialogue, it leads to a lack of mutual understanding. Parliament must serve as the platform for this dialogue, ensuring the aspirations of the people are realized.”
He warned against disruptions in democratic institutions, stating, “If representatives fail to engage constructively, society will resort to agitation. This cliffhanging situation of parliamentary irrelevance must be addressed.”
Panch Pran: Guiding National Transformation
The Vice-President outlined the Panch Pran as the foundation for India’s transformation.
1. Promoting social harmony that unifies diversity.
2. Strengthening family values and patriotism.
3. Adopting environment-friendly lifestyles.
4. Encouraging Swadeshi and local production.
5. Upholding fundamental duties alongside fundamental rights.
He called for collective efforts to achieve the vision of a developed India by 2047.
Role of Corporates in National Development
Shri Dhankhar urged corporations to utilize Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds for health, education, and infrastructure around religious institutions. “These institutions are more than places of worship; they are cultural nerve centers. Supporting them will help imbibe values in future generations,” he said.
Commendation of Dharmasthala
The Vice-President lauded Dharmasthala’s contributions to education, healthcare, and rural development under the leadership of Shri D. Veerendra Heggade. “The Sanidhya Queue Complex symbolizes inclusivity and hospitality. It is a testament to collective commitment,” he noted.
Dignitaries including Shri Brijesh Chowta, Shri D. Veerendra Heggade, and Smt. Hemavathi V. Heggade were present at the event.