Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, addressing participants at the inauguration of the Rajya Sabha Internship Programme and the launch of its online portal, celebrated Uttarakhand’s adoption of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) as a historic and auspicious development. He commended the state for fulfilling the constitutional vision laid out in Article 44, which mandates the state to strive for a uniform civil code across India.
Key Highlights from the Vice President’s Address:
On the Significance of UCC
- The Vice President lauded Uttarakhand’s decision, stating that it aligns with the Directive Principles of State Policy, and predicted it is only a matter of time before the entire country embraces UCC.
- Criticizing opposition to the UCC, he questioned how gender equality and constitutional mandates could be opposed, emphasizing the importance of nationalism over political interests.
On Illegal Migration
- Shri Dhankhar expressed grave concern over the millions of illegal migrants residing in the country, terming them a threat to national security, societal harmony, and sovereignty.
- He highlighted the misuse of resources by such individuals and their impact on employment and democracy, calling for urgent and strict measures to address this issue.
On Economic Growth and Aspirations
- Reflecting on India’s progress over the past decade, the Vice President highlighted the huge economic upsurge, technological penetration, and infrastructural growth under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.
- He noted the transformation in aspirational districts, emphasizing that development has now reached areas previously neglected.
- Shri Dhankhar urged the youth to explore the growing basket of opportunities beyond government jobs, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.
On the Importance of Dialogue and Deliberation
- The Vice President stressed the value of debate and consensus-building in resolving issues, drawing parallels with the Constituent Assembly’s approach to drafting the Constitution.
- He underscored India’s global role as a model of inclusivity, tolerance, and adaptability, and emphasized the importance of diplomacy in addressing global conflicts.
On Article 370
- Shri Dhankhar revisited the contentious Article 370, highlighting the principled stance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who refused to draft the provision. He suggested that following Ambedkar’s vision could have spared the nation significant challenges.
This address underscores the Vice President’s vision of a unified, progressive India rooted in constitutional values and robust governance.