Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed deep sorrow over the passing of Havildar Baldev Singh (Retd), an esteemed army veteran. Acknowledging his monumental contributions to the nation, the Prime Minister described him as a symbol of courage and resilience, whose dedication to India will continue to inspire generations.
In his message, the Prime Minister highlighted his personal connection with Hav Baldev Singh, recalling a memorable meeting in Nowshera a few years ago.
Sharing his sentiments on social media, Shri Modi posted:
“Saddened by the passing of Hav Baldev Singh (Retd). His monumental service to India will be remembered for years to come. A true epitome of courage and grit, his unwavering dedication to the nation will inspire future generations. I fondly recall meeting him in Nowshera a few years ago. My condolences to his family and admirers.”
The nation joins in mourning the loss of this exemplary veteran, whose life was a testament to bravery and commitment.