Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will participate in the celebrations of the 150th Foundation Day of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on January 14. The event, scheduled at 10:30 AM at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, will include a keynote address by the Prime Minister and the launch of key initiatives to strengthen India’s weather and climate capabilities.
The Prime Minister will unveil ‘Mission Mausam,’ an ambitious program aimed at transforming India into a “Weather-ready and Climate-smart” nation. The initiative will focus on:
- Advanced Weather Technologies: Developing state-of-the-art weather surveillance systems, next-generation radars, satellites, and high-performance computing systems.
- Enhanced Atmospheric Observation: Implementing high-resolution atmospheric data collection to refine weather predictions.
- Air Quality Management: Providing real-time air quality data to support effective weather and climate management strategies.
- Deeper Climate Understanding: Promoting advanced research on weather and climate processes to better predict and manage climate phenomena.
The mission is designed to enhance India’s preparedness for extreme weather events, ensuring resilience against climate change impacts.
IMD Vision-2047 Document
As part of the celebrations, the Prime Minister will release the IMD Vision-2047 document, which outlines a long-term strategy for building weather resilience and adapting to climate change. This comprehensive vision focuses on:
- Strengthening weather forecasting and management systems.
- Mitigating the effects of climate change through innovative solutions.
- Expanding the IMD’s capacity to provide accurate and timely weather information to diverse stakeholders.
Celebrating 150 Years of IMD
A series of events, workshops, and exhibitions will be held to mark the occasion, highlighting IMD’s 150-year journey and its role in:
- Making India climate-resilient through accurate weather forecasting.
- Supporting agriculture, disaster management, aviation, and other critical sectors with real-time weather data.
- Showcasing advancements in meteorology and India’s contributions to global climate science.
This milestone celebration reflects the government’s commitment to leveraging science and technology for sustainable development and climate resilience.
The event underscores IMD’s vital role in safeguarding India’s economy, environment, and communities through its pioneering weather services.