The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s vehicle was attacked during an election campaign on Saturday, January 18, 2025. The incident reportedly occurred in New Delhi, with the party accusing BJP supporters of orchestrating the attack.
Allegations and Video Evidence
AAP released a video purportedly showing a group of people waving black flags and hurling a stone at the car carrying Mr. Kejriwal. The footage also shows police personnel clearing the route as the Chief Minister’s vehicle moves forward.
The party claimed the attack was premeditated, with AAP spokespersons accusing the BJP of attempting to intimidate their leader.
Political Reactions
While AAP has strongly condemned the incident, accusing the BJP of resorting to violence in the election campaign, no official statement has been released by the BJP addressing the allegations.
The Delhi Police has yet to comment on the incident or confirm whether an investigation has been initiated.
Public Concern
The attack has raised concerns over the safety of political leaders during high-stakes campaigns. AAP has called for stringent action against those responsible, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and democratic norms during the election season.
This incident is likely to add to the already tense political climate as the election campaign progresses in the national capital.