Union Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh visited Prayagraj to participate in the Mahakumbh 2025, a grand spiritual and cultural celebration. Accompanied by Rajya Sabha MP Shri Sudhanshu Trivedi, the Defence Minister began his visit by taking a sacred dip at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers.
Following the holy dip, Shri Rajnath Singh visited key spiritual landmarks, including Akshay Vat, Patalpuri, and the Bade Hanuman temple. During his visit, he also assessed the arrangements in place for the smooth conduct of the Mahakumbh, ensuring a comfortable and enriching experience for pilgrims.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Rajnath Singh expressed his honor in participating in the Mahakumbh and emphasized its significance. He stated, “Taking a dip in the Sangam is a profound privilege. The Mahakumbh is not just a religious gathering; it embodies the essence of Indianness. I encourage everyone to visit this festival to truly understand the spiritual and cultural soul of our nation.”
The Mahakumbh 2025 stands as a testament to India’s rich traditions, attracting millions of pilgrims and visitors from across the world to celebrate faith, heritage, and unity.