In a significant crackdown on organized drug syndicates in India’s North East, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seized 32 kg of methamphetamine tablets in two separate operations, collectively valued at ₹32 crore in the international market. The operations, conducted on 19 and 20 January 2025, led to the arrest of three individuals under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985.
Operation Details
1. Silchar, Assam (19 January 2025)
The DRI, with assistance from Assam Rifles personnel, intercepted an Ashok Leyland truck at Dwarband Bazar, Cachar District.
A total of 26 kg of methamphetamine tablets, concealed in a specially constructed cavity within the truck, was seized.
The illicit consignment, valued at ₹26 crore, had been smuggled into India via the Indo-Myanmar border in Mizoram.
One person was arrested in connection with this operation.
2. Agartala, Tripura (20 January 2025)
Another truck was intercepted on the outskirts of Agartala, where 6 kg of methamphetamine tablets, worth ₹6 crore, were discovered hidden beneath the dashboard.
Two individuals were arrested in this case.
DRI’s Fight Against Drug Trafficking in FY 2024-25
From April 2024 to date, the DRI has intensified its efforts to combat drug smuggling in the North East, booking 36 cases and arresting 70 individuals, including seven women.
Key Seizures:
Methamphetamine Tablets: Over 231 kg
Heroin: 16 kg
Ganja (Cannabis): 1,375 kg
Hydroponic Weed: 3.7 kg
Total Value of Seized Contraband: ₹355 crore.
Vehicles Seized: 32 (19 cars and 13 trucks).
Emerging Trends
The smuggling of hydroponic weed, a high-potency cannabis grown in nutrient-rich water instead of soil, has emerged as a new trend in the region, with some instances involving air passengers.
Legal Action
All the cases have been registered under the NDPS Act, and investigations are ongoing. The DRI remains committed to dismantling drug syndicates and curbing the trafficking of contraband substances in the region.
This series of operations underscores the DRI’s relentless pursuit of ensuring the safety and security of the nation.